Democrat From Kentucky

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Kentucky's Own Destructive Force: Fletcher Monday, November 14, 2005

Governor Fletcher has nobly launched his own internal investigation into the hiring practices of previous governors, primarily Governor Paul Patton. This is to demonstrate the hiring practices undertaken by his administration we're done frequently in the past. I think Fletcher continues to miss the point here. While I hate to see a grown man cry (I thought Patton was weak when he cried), it may be time to start.

Mark Chellgren, writing for the Associated Press said:

FRANKFORT, Ky. - Evidence of political influence in hiring in previous administrations discredits the special grand jury investigation that has produced 82 indictments of 13 officials in his own administration, Gov. Ernie Fletcher said Monday.

Fletcher's comments continue the attack he has tried to mount against the investigation virtually from its inception in May. His administration stepped up the offensive last week by publicizing a database that purported to contain 7,400 names of people seeking state jobs, promotions or other awards during former Gov. Paul Patton's administration.

But Fletcher's own investigator said the database contained no evidence of criminal wrongdoing, though spokesman Brett Hall said it showed the influence of politics in hiring decisions.

The problem the governor doesn't get is he got caught. It doesn't matter if it should've been against the law, it was against the law. This is going to go on longer too. If the Republicans want to get gain some ground in 2006, they're going to have to find a way to jettison Fletcher.

posted by Stithmeister @ 7:46 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

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