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Stephen Colbert's Burning Bush Friday, May 05, 2006

I've not weighed in yet on the whole issue of Stephen Colbert's vicious attack on the president and mainstream media. All I have to say is it's about damned time. His humourous and scathing attack is in the greatest tradition of political satire and if the president can't handle it, his skin is too thin for the job.

I've gotten a link to the segments. This will take you to the first one and then you can view the others from there.

It's interesting that some people at Comedy Central take their jobs very seriously as comedians in their original and true sense. Unfortunately, more won't say the same thing and many news folks are brutally critical of all sides of the political spectrum more.

Alternet has an interesting take on the thing, particularly referring to Bush's speech in March of 2004 when he poked fun at not finding the WMDs:

The backlash only appeared a day or two later, and not, by and large, emerging from the media, but from Democrats and some Iraq veterans. Then it was mainly forgotten. I never understood why Sen. John Kerry did not air a tape of the episode every day during his hapless final drive for the White House.

In any case, another 1,900 Americans have died in Iraq since Bush's ha-ha home video. As it happens, the Downing Street memo, and a similar British document that surfaced recently, suggested that Bush doubted WMDs existed and "fixed" the intelligence to take the nation to war. What a riot.

At that same Downing Street memo forum at the Capitol last year that Milbank mocked, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, after cataloguing the bogus Bush case for WMDs and the Iraqi threat, looked out at the cameras and notepads, mentioned the March 24, 2004 dinner, and acted out the president looking under papers and table for those missing WMDs. "And the media was all yucking it up ... hahaha," McGovern said. "You all laughed with him, folks." Then he mentioned soldiers who had died "after that big joke."

The media needs to be slapped around and the president needs to be put on trial for high crimes, misdemeanors and stupidity.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 12:29 AM

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