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McClellan's Gone Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It looks like Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary is leaving the White House. He's Bush's second mouth piece during this administration, getting the slot after Ari Fleischer left in 2003.

Also, Karl Rove is stepping out of the policy side of things and will be concentrating on upcoming elections.

WaPo said:

Karl Rove, the president's most influential adviser and a dominant force in the Bush administration since its beginning, surrendered key policy responsibilities today while press secretary Scott McClellan announced his resignation.

When Andrew Card bailed last week, you had to figure a shake up was coming. It's not really surpising in all honesty. The administration has been floundering for a while and they will continue to do so until the economy improves. With inflation rising, oil prices skyrocketing and the trade deficit totally out of whack, people's wallets are getting lighter by the day.

posted by Stithmeister @ 2:27 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

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