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Jim Bunning One of 5 Worst Senators in the Nation Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A new feature in this week's Time marks our own Jim Bunning as one of the five worst Senators in America, saying essentially that he's more than capable, he just doesn't do the job. Dan Mongiardo certainly couldn't have done any worse.

In addition to being hostile to staff members on the Hill and occasionally even other Senators, Bunning shows little interest in policy unless it involves baseball, according to congressional experts and colleagues. When asked, they struggle to recall any legislation Bunning has worked on, although he did join Arizona Senator John McCain last spring in demanding tougher punishments for steroid use in professional sports. Congressional observers consider Bunning, 74, a disappointment also because his sharp questioning of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on fiscal matters during hearings over the past couple of years suggest he has the smarts to be an effective Senator but doesn't put in the effort.

What a delight.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 2:43 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

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