Democrat From Kentucky

Democrat from Kentucky
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Kentucky To Make Abortion Illegal? Friday, February 03, 2006

A bill was filed in the state House of Representatives that would outlaw abortion and the morning after pill in Kentucky. HB489 was filed with 30 co-sponsors in a state house of 100 representatives. If the law passes, it will be one of several that will challenge the landmark 1973 case, Roe V. Wade.

I'm not a big fan of abortion. I think it's a horrible solution to a problem. But I think it's one of the few solutions open to many women. As long as there are unwanted pregnancies, there will be abortions, period. The numbers of abortions since Roe V. Wade is huge. But here's the deal, however many abortions there are, one must figure a fair number of those children would've been unwanted. Sure, some people would've made place for a child in their families and loved them. Some people would've given the child up for adoption. Perhaps a few miscarriages. And some women would've resorted to finding someone to do the abortion illegally. Some women would've done it themselves. But most would've lived in poor households, unwanted, unappreciated and unlikely to succeed. Some would've been reared by middle class women that didn't want them. One of the worst feelings a child can have is to feel like you were a mistake and know you aren't wanted. We'd have generations of children with that feeling.

I've not even touched on the fact that just maybe, women ought to be able to determine their own future and have right to privacy.

But let's work for a moment with abortion illegal. So, everyone who doesn't want to get pregnant is going to abstain right? RIGHT? No? Are all you state legislators going to set up the GA Adoption program to where you all adopt all these kids in a state that is ranked as the 6th poorest already? Good job. I knew you would. What? You're not going to do that? No? What're we going to do with these babies then?

Maybe Swift was right.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 5:38 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

I'm currently working in the telecomm industry but one of my passions is still politics.

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