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Tookie Williams: Dead Man Walking Monday, December 12, 2005

Stanley "Tookie" Williams will meet his end tonight after being convicted over 20 years ago for the murders of four people in a convenience store. The murders were in 1979 and convicted in 1981. Since then, Williams has become and an anti-gang advocate and has even been nominated for the Nobel Peace prise.

While Williams past is certainly nefarious(he co-founded the "Crips" gang) He's written children's books and and done much working to prevent the spread of gangs and the violence and drugs that go with them.

Governor Schwarzeneggar said he didn't feel as if Williams felt remorse because he's not admitted to his crimes, suggest without that, there can be no redemption or atonement.

One point mentioned in the AP story:

In addition, the governor noted that Williams dedicated his 1998 book "Life in Prison" to a list of figures that included the black militant George Jackson — "a significant indicator that Williams is not reformed and that he still sees violence and lawlessness as a legitimate means to address societal problems."

I generally agree with that statement and as such believe the governor is being hyporcritical in his statement. He's justifying state violence to punish someone for the violence they committed.

Now... some would suggest that we shouldn't have the death penalty because it costs too much. By the time the appeals are exhausted, it's cheaper to put them away for life. That's a cynical although I suppose valid point. Their are others who have the various opinions on the death penalty and most know mine. I shall share it again.

The death penalty is morally and societally wrong and its use marks our country as not only a barbaric nation but and my opinion, those who advocate it are really no better than those they believe should be executed. This view doesn't win me many friends because many of my family believe in the death penalty but it's the way I see things. I consider the jurors and for that matter even the fine governor of California nothing more than a common murdering thug. If Williams did commit the murders, then California ia no better than Williams for sanctioning and carrying out the murder of Williams.

Only a hand full of nations in the world even execute people at all and all but China, North Korea and Iran execute less than our country. What a fine, humane group of individuals to be included in. In the end, our society should be better than this. We consider ourselves a moral society,a just society...then where is the justice and morality in murder?

Perhaps one could consider another view point. What gives us the right to rob an individual of their life, even they did such a vile act? I suppose though in our ownership society, everything is there for the taking, including lives.

posted by Stithmeister @ 11:55 PM

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