Democrat From Kentucky

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Republicans Are Bullies Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I sit and listen to the debate in the Senate over the judicial nominations and the filibuster issue and I've come to the conclusion that the Republicans are bullies who are demanding their way. They see no room for compromise and don't feel they need too. There may be moderates in the Republican party who are different but they might as well be nonexistant right now.

President Bush has had as much success with judicial nominees as anyone. 60% of Clinton's nominees didn't even make it out of committee. When the Democrats try to put the breaks on a handful of nominees, they get reappointed. One senator mentioned the 5 Circuit Court was in crisis because they're short handed on a judge. Bush could've thrown out someone else. It wouldn't have been impossible for a little compromise. Bush has gotten more nominees through than any president in over 25 years.

The Republicans just don't play well. They're attempting to exert such absolute dominance and control it's frightening. They extreme right, littered with evangelical types are crucifying the United States in their agenda that border on religious fascism.

It's quite possible he may get a supreme court nominee too and that's what this fight is really about. Bill Frist and his cronies are looking to run this battle now instead of when Rehnquist or O'Connor steps down.

Some may say that the Democrats might do this too but they could've done this type of thing in the past and haven't. They could've done it when they were in control of Congress and the Senate but they didn't. They recognized the need for the filibuster as an effective tool of legislation so one party couldn't run ramshackle over the minority party. That's exactly what the Republicans are attempting to do. They are trying to destroy their opposition so they won't have any more opposition. They've think they've got the Democrats on the ropes and they're moving in for the kill.

It's time for the Democrats to hang together and focus on the issues they believe in that are NOT polarizing. Work on labor issues, healthcare, etc. Work on the average guy's needs. We must make the normal folks realize they won't have anything left the way the Republicans are taking this country. No jobs, no children (they'll be fighting) and no homes.

We need help and we need it now and the Democrats MUST get together and put their differences aside.

posted by Stithmeister @ 5:04 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

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