Democrat From Kentucky

Democrat from Kentucky
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The Michael Jackson Trial Friday, May 06, 2005

My first official rant.

Michael Jackson is a freak. Big understatement I know but he's absolutely horrible. The man molested little boys and this trial should be over. If this had been you or me, we'd been the hoosegow getting beaten to death by large men who don't appreciate such crimes.

The trial continue on and more people testify. Robson, who was on the stand yesterday and let a lot of information slide out that unintentionally hurt the defense but it shows intent too. He said the same things other non-Jacko sympathizers had said about Jackson being their father and be treated as such and then the boys spent the night with Jackson in Jackson's bed. He's got all the classic symptoms of a child molester. He needs to be found GUILTY. He needs to be taken out of circulation with normal people.

It's ashame too because I remember when he was THE pop singer. His albums were all over the charts with songs climbing up and down the pop charts like crazy. Then he started getting really weird. And now we find out he likes little boys. I wasn't a huge fan of his music but I recognized his talent. It's ashame that all he's got left is mounting debts, a future in prison, and regardless of the outcome of his trial, the child molester has that stigma but... it's deserved.

posted by Stithmeister @ 5:24 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

I'm currently working in the telecomm industry but one of my passions is still politics.

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