Democrat From Kentucky

Democrat from Kentucky
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Time on the Bench Monday, May 09, 2005

Governor Ernie Fletcher of Kentucky will appoint a new state supreme court justice in the next few weeks. One front runner is his general counsel, John Roach. Mr. Roach has no exprience behind the bench. Governor Fletcher said he believes that experience behind the bench isn't necessary to be considered qualified for the job. A number of other candidates have applied for the position, many of whom have had many years as a judge in one form or another.

I wholeheartedly disagree with our governor. I think if he appoints a someone to the bench with little or no judicial experience, he'll be doing a disservice to Ky. Courtroom time to determine how it works and find ins and outs of the system are an absolute necessity. One needs to either have time behind the bench or an extraordinary amount of time in front of it. It's an absolute necessity. Mr. Roach worked in Fletcher's office when Fletcher was a congressman so his court time is really pretty minimal

It's certainly something to keep in mind as court justices seem to be one of the most heated topics in years.

posted by Stithmeister @ 5:32 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

I'm currently working in the telecomm industry but one of my passions is still politics.

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