Democrat From Kentucky

Democrat from Kentucky
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Chandler/Abramson in '07? Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Talk about a powerhouse ticket in Kentucky. Mark Hebert over at WHAS 11 in Louisville reported on a meeting between Congressman Ben Chandler and Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson and the speculation is that the two may be considering a run for the governor's race in '07.

The last time Ben Chandler ran for governor, he picked Louisville businessman Charlie Owen as his running mate. A meeting Tuesday raised the possibility if Congressman Chandler runs again, another Louisvillian, Jerry Abramson, might be his lieutenant governor running mate.

“You could certainly speculate to that effect,” said Chandler via phone.

This is certainly an interesting situation and as the article speculates, a Chandler/Abramson ticket would be incredibly strong and a definitive favorite. Many have been calling for both to run for governor.

One scenario could be Chandler running one term then going to the Senate, assuming Bunning doesn't run again. It's a distinct possibility. This would leaver Abramson, an established and successful executive running the governor's office. It's sheer speculation at this point but it's certainly an interesting possibility. The only catch is that were that ticket to lose, both men's political careers would be over, without question.

What are your thoughts? Who would replace Chandler in the 6th Congressional district?

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posted by Stithmeister @ 9:36 PM

A new poll Saturday, June 03, 2006

Another thing I've not put up in a while is a new poll. The new poll is on our governor. Should Ernie Fletcher resign? He's currently fighting with the attorney general's office (Democrat) and the lieutenant governor's office (Republican). It would lseem our governor is running out of friends.

What do you think?

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posted by Stithmeister @ 3:42 PM

This weekend

It's the first annual Fort Harrod Beef Festival. If you're in Harrodsburg, Ky today or tomorrow, come check it out. They have all kinds of good things and tomorrow will be karaoke. HOO HAH!

But seriously... check it out. I went over there this morning and they had lots of crafts and music and good food. Plus the food competitions.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 3:40 PM

It's been a while

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've had a lot going on. I will begin posting regularly again though.

First up are the problems with old Dirty Ernie and his former Lt. Governor, Steve Pence. This is just one more nail in the coffin of the Fletcher administration. Brett Hall, the governor's mouth piece, speculated that Pence is going to run for governor though Pence has denied he's running for anything.

There are some other interesting things going on here too. Pence announced his plans not to seek reelection on the Fletcher slate earlier this week. He also said he plans to resign his position as head of the Justice cabinet. The next day, Fletcher asked for Pence's resignation and Pence promptly said, "No!" So what gives? Do we have a civil war going on in the Republican Party? For a party that seemed unified, they are coming apart at the seams. Fletcher picked Pence for the job.

It does bode well for state Republicans and Fletcher is running out of time to clean this mess up. One can be sure he'll face primary competition next year and I'd say it'll get ugly.

Did I mention that Brett Hall dropped the F-bomb to Larry Dale Keeling over at the Herald-Leader, yet no other paper is going to publish the statement. And I thought the Courier Journal had more cahoneys.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 12:29 AM

Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

I'm currently working in the telecomm industry but one of my passions is still politics.

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