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Vendetta Is Coming Monday, March 06, 2006

A new movie called "V For Vendetta" will be hitting theatres on March 17th. It stars Hugo Weaving, known for playing elven lords and computer programs, and Natalie Portman, senator of the Old Republic and wife of one of more whiney of villains.

The original story was in the form of comic mini series written by Alan Moore after the election of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister in the UK. Moore wrote the story as he feared fascism rearing it's ugly head in the future...the late 90s. A "terrorist" who runs around wearing a Guy Fawkes mask threatens to blow up the old Parliament building in an effort to carry out the original Fawkes original plan. The story touches on issues like government wire tapping, rounding up undesirables and putting them in detention facilities on a large scale other equally fascist notions. The problem with reading this story is it reads too much like today's headline in the newspaper.

I think there'll be some backlash as the movie stirs up trouble. At least I hope there will be some arguing, fighting etc.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 2:04 PM

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