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New Poll - Sirhan Sirhan Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Back in 1968 a gentleman named Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed then presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy. Kennedy, former attorney general, New York Senator and brother of slain president John Kennedy was shot in his hotel in Los Angeles. Sirhan was apprehended by Rosey Grier and Rafer Johnson.

There are some interesting facts about the case. Sirhan was and is not a Muslim. While he had written some notes inj the form of journals, he had no apparent reason to the assassination of Kennedy. Some have speculated he was a child the CIA's MKUltra program, which experimented with brain washing and other forms of mind control. This was the time when the CIA was feed LSD to unsuspecting citizens.

The other issue is as this case is in California, it could reach the office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. As his wife is Maria Shriver, niece of Robert Kennedy, there could be a decided conflict of interest here.

So what do you think? Should Sirhan be given parole? He's been up 12 consecutive times. He was originally slated for the death penalty but since SCOTUS declared unconstitutional back in the early 70s, he had his sentence commuted to life in prison.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 12:27 AM

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