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Bill O'Reilly Doesn't Make Personal Attacks... Monday, March 13, 2006

Yeah right...Media Matters has certainly gotten their share of personal attacks from Bulldog Bill.

In a segment with actor and activist Mike Farrell, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly claimed that he doesn't "do personal attacks." O'Reilly made his remarks on the February 23 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, during a discussion with Farrell about gay marriage and the death penalty. As Media Matters for America has noted, O'Reilly has personally attacked individuals on numerous occasions, both on The O'Reilly Factor and on his radio show.

On The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly has referred to media writer and Fox News Watch panelist Neal Gabler as a "rabid dog" and said of New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, "How nuts is this guy?" O'Reilly also said guest Christopher Murray "sounds like a fascist" for saying that that public institutions should not display religious symbols and called former Public Broadcasting System host Bill Moyers a "totalitarian." Students at the University of Connecticut who heckled right-wing pundit Ann Coulter during her campus appearance there earned the title of "far-left Nazis" from O'Reilly.

On his radio program, Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, O'Reilly has launched even more personal attacks. He called Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) a "left-wing nut," former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader a "loon," and Moyers a "secular, far-left fanatic." He described former president Jimmy Carter as "cluless" and "a fool" and said of Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), "He's a sissy." More recently, O'Reilly called Dallas Morning News columnist Macarena Hernandez "incompetent," and a "Latina ideologue."

Nope... not at all does old Bulldog Bill O'Reilly make personal attacks.

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posted by Stithmeister @ 11:29 PM

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