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Al Cross On Mitch McConnell Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A great column appeared yesterday on how Mitch McConnell may be losing his touch. While he is powerful his efforts may be more focused on the national scene right now. Columnist Al Cross had a great column in the Courier Journal yesterday. Hat tip to Bluegrass Report for lead on this one. Here's an excerpt:

Nature abhors a vacuum, so the maxim goes. So does politics, and so do the politicians who are most successful at this strange science -- including those who indirectly helped create the vacuum.

U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell showed that, two weeks ago tomorrow, when he and 1st District U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield held a press conference at state Republican headquarters in Frankfort to announce that . . . well, that a state legislator who was elected as a Democrat from Whitfield's hometown of Hopkinsville was becoming a Republican.

This don't-stop-the-presses news came after a weekend of suspense, caused by the party's cryptic announcement of the event and the participants' refusal to give any clues about its purpose.

In the end, the real import was not that Republicans had their largest number of state House members in 61 years (44 of 100), but that the Boss was back in town.


I agree with Cross on McConnell picking his people. I think he's done well building up the Republicans in Kentucky but he can never seem to grab the whole thing. I also think McConnell has his hands full in Washington right now too as Bill Frist and Tom Delay both are in deep trouble as his the administration. You'll see McConnell more in the news probably but it will take all his skills to come up smelling like roses on this one, especially since his clout may not be as strong with some in the state Republican party as it is with others.

posted by Stithmeister @ 12:13 AM

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At 7:37 PM, Blogger Stithmeister said...
Yeah... I think so. I posted some stuff from another article a little further down. Frist is not running for reelection next so he'll be gone in 2007. Some are figuring Mitch may slide into the slot. Of course he would have to improve his lot a bit here I think.

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