Democrat From Kentucky

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37th District Still Running On Empty Thursday, June 02, 2005

The 37th Senate District in Kentucky continues to remain vacant. Judge William Graham, a circuit judge in Frankfort said neither Dana Seum Stephenson nor Virginia Woodward were eligible to take the seat.

Seum-Stephenson, daughter of long time Louisville legislator Dan Seum won the election with a solid majority of the votes. The problem is, according to state law, she didn't fit the residency requirement and therefore was not eligible for to run to begin with. The court also held that since Woodward didn't "win" the election but getting the highest number of votes the Senate couldn't be made to accept her.

I've talked to with Senators on both side of he aisle or as in Bob Leper's case in the middle. Most felt that their needs to be a special election and the honorable President of the Senate, David Williams could call for such a vote now but he insists on taking this further, the state supreme court.

Come on Senator, do us all a favor and call for a new election. I'm sure Ms. Stephenson is able to do the job, but she couldn't qualify on the basic requirements. She said she didn't even know the requirements.

Give the people of Louisville and in the 37th their just representation and give them a new election. Especially since the legislature starts back up in just a few months.

posted by Stithmeister @ 5:41 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

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