Democrat From Kentucky

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Kelo V New London Thursday, June 23, 2005

My politics are generally pretty liberal but I believe in individual rights in all but extreme cases. Members of SCOTUS I respect trounced on those rights today when they voted 5-4 in favor of cities being able to kick people out of their homes and businesses in the name of economic development and improvement. I don't agree with Rehnquist, Thomas, Scalia and O'Connor all that often but I did on this case. Stevens and the majority greatly broadened the power of eminent domain, particularly with regard to local governments in order to increase the value of the property to the city and public.

I recognize the need for economic development in towns but there has to be a better way of utilizing this eminent domain. The only caveat is that taking people's private property is extremely unpopular. It leaves the politicians in a bad light with many voters so they won't utilize it often. I suppose also that at least the folks get paid something. In many countries, the government would just take it and not say anything about the costs involved.

posted by Stithmeister @ 10:18 PM

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

I'm currently working in the telecomm industry but one of my passions is still politics.

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