Democrat From Kentucky

Democrat from Kentucky
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Rant About Gas Prices Monday, August 15, 2005

My anger over gas prices knows no bounds at this point and its only going to get worse. I drive from Harrodsburg to Lexington to work every day. It's about 50 miles each way. Gas prices at some place hit $2.69 in the Lexington area. I don't think there's anything cheaper than a $2.40 or so. I've studied the oil market for the last few months and I know what they say. Market instability, refinery issues, hurricanes, political instability in the Middle East and South America. Of course the oil companies are seeing RECORD PROFITS. Coincidence? I don't think so. The president of the United States and the VP both ran energy companies dealing in oil at least one point in their lifetime. Much of their fortunes come from oil. Their friends, like Ken Lay, ran energy companies and nearly wrecked some economies in the process. Don't get me wrong, much of what they've done isn't just for the oil. What they've done is to promote international instability in order to maintain a fear status in not just the U.S. but much of the rest of the world to promote their agenda. These oil prices will allow them to finance the military industrial complex needed to enforce American dominance over the rest of the world in Pax Americana period. There's none of this isolationist "let's see what the world does if we cut them off from us" crap. Nope, it's an agenda for the United States to systematically enforce order as the world's police officer. Religion isn't so much of an issue with the powers that be, although it's certainly a tool to manipulate the enough of the masses to stay in power. Abortion and stem cell research mean very little to the people in control. If they tell you otherwise, they're lying. If folks doubt what I say, I suggest you check out NewAmericanCentury.

Read some of the documents on there and check out some of the signatories. I think many of the names will look familiar if you follow the news even remotely.

Thank Bush, you're going to break the back of the working American to pay for your control of the world.

posted by Stithmeister @ 8:42 PM

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At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
Has any of the political jackasses ever given an answer to What happens when the American back bone can't afford to go to work anymore? Of course Bush could care less because he can't run for office again. So the more profits he can create for the oil industry the more kick backs go into his pockets I think it is time for a general strike and give DC a taste of whats to come real soon.

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Location: Harrodsburg, Kentucky, United States

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